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Preferred library: Chetwynd Public Library? Results 1 - 10 of 466 (page 1 of 47)
Weird British Columbia laws : strange, bizarre, wacky & absurd / Mark Thorburn.
Learning about the law : British Columbia's laws and legal system / [writers: Ann Hinkle, June Dragman ; editor: Joy Tataryn].
The revised statutes of British Columbia, 1979 : a revision and consolidation of the public general acts of the Legislature of British Columbia proclaimed and published under authority of the Revised Statutes Act.
Learning about the law : a public legal information resource for newcomers and others who want to know more about laws in British Columbia and Canada.
Information pamphlets / .
Beginner's guide to finding legal information : a how-to for legal research and representing yourself in court in British Columbia.
Legal Resources.
The laws of British Columbia :  consisting of the acts, ordinances, & proclamations of the formerly separate colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, and of the united colony of British Columbia : with table of acts, alphabetical index, and appendix / compiled and published by the commissioners appointed under "the Revised Statutes Act, 1871."
Small claims court booklet 3 : replying to a claim.
Learning about the law : British Columbia's legal system.

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